What are the Elements of a Good Testimonial?

We’ve collected and analyzed the data to discover the top three elements to an effective testimonial

Here at rfrd, we’ve collected and analyzed the data to discover the top three elements to an effective testimonial. I’m excited to share with you what we found: 

  1. Relevance is key. Each viewer wants to hear from someone like them, who’s faced the same challenges and achieved their goals through your solution.
  2. Nail the story. Keep it simple and consumable to maximize value for each individual.
  3. Quantify results. Your viewers want to hear that their peers love your solution, but results are more important. By helping them understand the value in terms of their success, they’re more likely to take action.

If you want to reach out to us directly to learn more, you can schedule a time with our team!

Kenzie Meek-Beck

Director of Production at rfrd where she produces custom customer videos, marketing content, vlogs, and best practice guides about video creation.

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