How do I Give a Good Video Testimonial? Part III - Getting over Stage Fright

We'll go over a few quick tips to calm your nerves before presenting!

Whether you're giving an in-person presentation, speaking on camera, or recording yourself - we've got you covered with tips from Kate Rich, a researcher and PhD candidate in Communication at the University of Washington. We spoke with her to get the deets on the best public speaking tips.

First – let’s address those nerves. If you’re having anxiety – good news – it means you care! Chanel that anxiety. You can start to calm down by doing back and arm stretches – and taking a deep breath in for five seconds and a breath out for another five seconds. 

Now adjust your posture, sit up straight. Not only does posture make us look more confident, but researchers at Ohio University found that good posture also makes us more confident in our thoughts.

In the last video of the series, we’ll coach you on how to capture your audience’s attention.

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