Digital Marketers' New Challenge

Tell Your Brand's Story Through Attention-Grabbing Videos

In the digital age world of the internet and social media – users receive instant gratification. And, according to a study by Jampp, the attention span of digital consumers decreases by a staggering 88 percent on a year-to-year basis. 

Further highlighting the issue of declining attention spans is a study published by Microsoft that compared the average attention span of humans to that of a goldfish. The Microsoft study revealed that humans' attention span had dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to eight seconds in 2013. By comparison, a goldfish has an attention span of nine seconds. The shortening attention spans are blurring the lines for conventional digital marketers, and companies need to change their game-plan. 

In this blog post, we tell you the reason for the shrinking attention span, what it means to digital marketers and what you can do to hold your audience's attention. 

The Changing Times

Your audience no longer reads from the standard right to left. Instead, they now scroll, scan, and skim around social media platforms, website pages, and news outlets for a quick and convenient experience.

Congratulations on reading this far! You broke the mold and stayed with us longer than the coveted eight seconds. And before we lose you, let's see what you can do about your audience's shrinking attention span.

How to Capture the Attention of Your Audience

As a marketing professional, you want to capture your audience's attention and influence their behavior to help your business succeed. And that starts with dopamine.

One tactical approach is by developing fanciful videos that leverage humor and storytelling. A video could contain a reward along with a small cliffhanger. This way, you will guarantee your brand access to one of the most coveted things in a competitive business environment—your audience's attention.

Tell Your Brand's Story Through Attention-Grabbing Videos

The following are impressive statistics to give you a sneak peek of the importance of videos in catching your audience's attention and driving sales:

  • 97 percent of marketers claim that videos enable their clients to understand their products better
  • 81 percent of businesses, including B2B companies, have unanimously declared that videos are a critical sales and marketing strategy
  • 90 percent of consumers claim a video will help them make a more informed purchase decision
  • Live videos account for 13 percent of total traffic.

Have a look at the following major reasons you should consider video in your upcoming marketing campaigns:

1. Capture Your Customer’s Attention

Capturing the attention of your audience within a matter of seconds is a tricky affair. Even creative-looking photos don't captivate your audience as much, but relax. Video is king.

You can make the first few seconds of your video super compelling so that your audience will stop scrolling and focus on your content instead. While users may pause to look at your fun photos, videos have been shown to hold an audience's attention five times more than still photos.

2. Video Builds Trust Quickly

Marketing heavily relies on trust and relationships. When you build good relationships with your customers, you can count on them to spread the word about your company and your products. And no other marketing strategy builds trust as a video does!

Video seamlessly allows you to connect with your audience at an emotional level. This emotional bond is what makes an audience want to pause and listen to what your brand has to offer. An emotional bond enhances likability, trust, and customer loyalty which are key in capturing your audience's attention.

3. Audience Engagement

Engagement is the primary indicator that your content resonates with the interests of your target audience. And nothing drives engagement like video does. Studies indicate that social videos generate 12 times more shares than image and text combined.

Such studies reveal the untapped potential of videos in engaging and captivating your audience—long enough for you to sell your brand. If you are serious about winning the fierce competition for the attention of your prospective customers, start thinking of how to integrate superior video marketing in your marketing campaigns.

4. Videos Have Audience Targeting Features

When you want to attract and maintain a new customer base, video is the way to go. You can use video testimonials and referrals to reach a new and wider customer base by sharing them on multiple social media platforms.

A good feature in video marketing is using audience targeting features to reach a specific targeted audience. Instead of marketing to the general audience, your video content is only shown to an audience that resonates with your product and brand. This will lower your marketing budget while increasing quality leads and conversions


Testimonial videos are among the best-proven brand marketing strategies. Wise marketers understand that the most persuasive messages come from satisfied customers. To increase your brand awareness and conversions, you must be ready to add customer testimonial videos to your strategies. 

If you need help getting authentic customer videos to use as testimonials, check out rfrd. We aim to help businesses grow by generating qualified leads and expanding the targeted audience reach. Visit our website to learn more about our services and pricing.

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina 🇺🇦 on Unsplash

Clara Kobashigawa

Growth marketer at rfrd focused on writing blogs highlighting industry trends. From video best practices to marketing statistic summaries, she delivers informative research in a lighthearted manner.

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