Combat Your Public Speaking Nerves

Use these tips prior to recording a video, a big presentation, or an upcoming job interview!

Because we’re in the business of recording real customer videos from real people – in this rfrd Blog – we’re going to discuss how to combat public speaking nerves. You can use these tips prior to recording a video, a big presentation, or an upcoming job interview – because we all need to be prepared to speak in front of others in this digital age. 

If you’re nervous or anxious about public speaking, guess what? You’re definitely not alone. According to the Washington Post, public speaking is Americans’ number one fear. The good news is there are steps you can take to calm those anxieties and feel more comfortable speaking on camera. 

In the Vlog below – we are joined by Kate Rich – a researcher and PhD candidate in Communication at the University of Washington – who will provide expert tips to alleviate these nerves. She will go over physical ways to calm your body, obtaining more confidence, and how to approach your mindset while speaking.

The final note that we do want to leave you on is that remember – if you’re nervous about public speaking it only means you care, and that’s a thing you can learn to harness in a positive way. 

(Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash)

Kenzie Meek-Beck

Director of Production at rfrd where she produces custom customer videos, marketing content, vlogs, and best practice guides about video creation.

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