Look Your Best on a Video Call

Do you have an important video call coming up? We've got you!

Do you have an important video call like a work presentation, recording, webinar, or job interview coming up? Are you hoping to take your remote look to the next level? We've got you!

In this vlog below we'll go over easy "how-to" steps to enhance your natural look for video conferencing. The tips we go over are high level and can be used by everyone -- well, expect for maybe the tip on how to use beard oil!

Here's an overview of that the steps in this video include: 

  1. Moisturizer
  2. Concealer
  3. Translucent Powder
  4. Lip Balm
  5. Hair Touch Up
  6. Beard Oil
  7. Final Check

You can also use these tips if you are going to record a customer testimonial video with rfrd!

Kenzie Meek-Beck

Director of Production at rfrd where she produces custom customer videos, marketing content, vlogs, and best practice guides about video creation.

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The rfrd platform collects, optimizes, and displays personalized video across the customer journey to convert new business, improve retention, and drive upsells.
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