Requesting Testimonials Best Practices

Here are a few tips on how to reach out to your customers to encourage them to record a video

Clara here -- the growth marketer  here at rfrd. When I first started to collect customer testimonials with rfrd, figuring out who to reach out to and how to create impactful messaging was overwhelming.  But with the help of the rfrd team, I realized that it doesn't have to be. That is why I outlined a few tips that I learned along my journey of collecting customer testimonial videos! 

First, make sure you have a well-defined goal in mind. What do you hope to accomplish by getting a customer testimonial? Do you want to put the videos in sales outreach? Are you targeting an economic buyer or champion? Do you want these videos to go on social media? If so, what format?  Knowing this will help you tailor your request and make it more relevant to the customer. It will also save you time editing the video in the future!

Second, make sure to tell the customer why you want them to share their story. What makes them special? Why are they different from other customers? Be specific as to why you are reaching out to them.  For example, when I was reaching out to customers, I stated that they were selected for their unique perspective on the industry trends . 

Third, follow up, but don't be annoying. If the customer doesn't respond to your initial request, follow up once or twice more. People are busy yet they are also willing to help- especially, if they love your product! Do not be scared to follow up after your initial request but be mindful not to spam people.

Also, remember that  “Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.”This quote resonates with the initial outreach because it is important to give your customers time to record. Whether they are recording a live interview or asynchronously, give your customers a lengthy timeline if possible (and always plan on them being a few days late). 

Finally, if all else fails, offer an incentive. This could be a discount on their next purchase, or a donation to a charity of their choice. Something to sweeten the deal and show your appreciation for their time can help! With rfrd’s outreach, we found that people are encouraged by gift cards or donations. Depending on your clientele, you could test out which incentive program works best!

Clara Kobashigawa

Growth marketer at rfrd focused on writing blogs highlighting industry trends. From video best practices to marketing statistic summaries, she delivers informative research in a lighthearted manner.

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