Testimonial Questions

Video testimonials are one of the most tools to improves sales but you may be wondering...

Video testimonials are one of the most powerful weapons in a sales arsenal, but you may be wondering when or how to use them properly! It's crucial that you show prospects video highlights from different stages throughout the sales process because it helps build trust as well overcome any objections they might have had before closing deals with clients who are interested enough already.

When used correctly, video testimonials can be a helpful way to close deals faster. Here are tips on how you can use video testimonials in your sales process:

1. The awareness stage: In this stage, prospects are just becoming aware of their problem or need. They're starting to do research and are looking for information to help them understand their options. Customer testimonials can be helpful at this stage because they provide third-party validation that your product or service can solve the prospect's problem.

Questions to ask for awareness: How did you identify your problem? What made you realize you needed this type of solution? Before @company, what were you looking for in a solution?

2. The consideration stage: In this stage, prospects have a better understanding of their problem and are evaluating their options. They're looking for more information to help them make a decision. Customer testimonials can be helpful at this stage because they provide concrete examples of how your product or service has helped others in a similar situation.

Questions to ask for consideration: What were you looking for in a solution? Who would you describe @company is for? Who is @company not for? How did you narrow down your options?

3. The conversion stage: In this stage, prospects have made a decision to buy and are now choosing which supplier to go with. Customer testimonials can be helpful at this stage because they provide reassurance that you're the right supplier for their needs.

Questions to ask for conversion: What does @company do for you? What sold you on @company? Why are you still a customer?

When used properly, customer testimonials can be a powerful sales tool. By showing prospects the right testimonial at the right stage of the sales cycle, you can increase your chances of making a sale by helping them overcome any objections they may have. Good luck!

Clara Kobashigawa

Growth marketer at rfrd focused on writing blogs highlighting industry trends. From video best practices to marketing statistic summaries, she delivers informative research in a lighthearted manner.

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